Why use secured lending rather than an equity injection?
In a word, cost. Secured lending is cheaper than equity funding. This is because secured lending means that the lender has 'security' in other words, if you do not repay the loan, they have something tangible that can be sold in order to repay the loan. This makes the lending less risky and so the rate charged by the lender will be less.
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A letter to Prime Minister David Cameron
Adam Tavener, founder of the Alternative Business Funding collaboration, writes an open letter to Prime Minister David Cameron on why SME access to finance needs to be a priority for the new Government.
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Expressing an interest
In common (I suspect) with other candidate platforms seeking designation under the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act, ABF submitted its formal expression of interest to the British Business Bank last week.
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Alternatives and Receivables finance conference
Next Monday, May 11, I will be hosting a panel debate at the Alternatives and Receivables finance conference in Canary Wharf.
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Supporting British businesses with access to funding
The alternative finance sector is developing fast, not just in terms of participants, but also through an ever-broadening range of products and services.
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Why we need to act now to help SMEs find the finance they need
It is well documented that traditional banks aren't willing or able to provide enough finance for SMEs as the aftershocks of the financial crisis still work their way through the system
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The trade finance option for your business to tap into
Banks take note– there are many other ways for businesses to get funding today; the trick for businesses is often just working out where to go and what to ask for!
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Redefining Equity Crowdfunding
The UK alternative finance market is the largest in Europe, with a rapidly growing value of £1.78bn; equity-based crowdfunding is one of the fastest growing sectors within this market, with a growth of 600% between 2012 and 2013. The sector had a market value of £78 million in 2014, at an average growth rate of 420%.
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Keeping you in the Alternative Business Funding picture
Welcome to the first Alternative Business Funding e-zine, which will now be a regular communications, news and resource point for funders who are part of the ABF collaboration.
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Driving forward the growth of alternative finance with Fundsurfer
We all love great ideas but securing the funding for a grand plan can be very difficult, especially in the current economic climate.
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An insight into UK Bond Network and its position within the alternative funding arena
UK Bond Network is a peer-to-peer platform which uses its syndicate of experienced investors to provide fast and flexible finance to UK SMEs. The finance is structured as corporate bonds, issued to the investors by the borrowing business.
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The prognosis for proliferating platforms
Two weeks ago the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill received Royal Assent and became an Act of Parliament.
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