Funding from an ethical bank for your ethical business
With the UK reportedly spending over £83bn on ethical goods annually, there is increased demand from customers for products and services that help people and planet.
Subsequently, entrepreneurs and businesses are expanding and developing new ethical and sustainable goods.
Values-driven businesses are operating all over the country with missions not just to pursue profit, but to prioritise working for social and environmental good. For example, B Corporations are certified to voluntarily meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency.
Businesses considering their environmental and social impact may consider everything from energy provider and recycling to travel and workplace wellbeing, but what about banking and finance?
When businesses are looking for finance – whether that’s to grow, help cash flow, or develop property – we think that it’s important that there is a choice. At Triodos Bank, we think that it’s important to offer an ethical finance option.
By and large, traditional banks have chosen to lend the money that has been invested with them to the person or organisation that will maximise the bank’s profits. Instead, we think banking can be a powerful catalyst for achieving positive and lasting change. We only finance projects and organisations working towards becoming more sustainable – socially or environmentally.
At Triodos, we connect savers, depositors and investors who want to change the world for the better, with entrepreneurs and sustainable organisations doing just that. It’s how Triodos Bank Group has grown since 1980 to manage assets of €14.5bn and attract 700,000 customers (Triodos Annual Report 2017).
As a conscious business, it’s not enough to just recycle anymore. If you want to join a strong and growing community of people and organisations working for a better world, it’s time to consider your finances too. Every investment creates an impact on society: the business community should not wait for governments and policymakers to force its hand towards sustainable choices.
This article was provided by Triodos Bank – one of the world’s leading sustainable banks. Find out more.
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